Changed opening hours

From November 1st, 2015 the winter period on our campsite begins. We would like to inform you about our changed opening hours during this period. Our reception is staffed according to demand. For arrivals or any other issues you can use our intercom system next to the reception or call us on: +49 (0) 5191 3651. Restaurant opening hours until mid of March are only on weekends as follows:

•Fridays from 4pm - 9pm (warm dishes from 6pm - 8pm)

•Saturdays from 9am – 1pm + from 4pm - 9pm (warm dishes from 6pm - 8pm)

•Sundays from 10am – 12am (no warm dishes)

The shop is closed all week long. In case you would like to buy some items from our shop, please get in touch with us! You can preorder and pick up fresh bread rolls for Saturdays and Sundays in our restaurant. In our sanitary building no.2 shower and washrooms as well as one kitchen and laundry room remain closed during winter time. Toilets are open.

The sanitary building no.3 next to the tent meadow remains entirely closed.

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